We connect volunteers (developers, graphic designers, marketing specialists) with impactful social good projects to help them with tech.

(looking for the hungarian version of this page? it’s here)


Who do we help?

We help projects which helps people and make the world a better place. We work with NGOs, individuals, open to work with municipalities, schools, other institutes.

“I have an idea!”

Great! Let’s talk about it.

developer's community

What do we do?

We support socially important projects with tech. We give advice, help out, learn from each other, plan, code…

Look around!

Our latest news an events in our facebook group (posts are mainly hungarian).

Join us!

Right now our core team communicates in hungarian, but most of us speak english, get in tought to see how you could join! Thanks!


finished projects


interactive map of properties – converting data to showcase state capture


interactive map of hotels, restaurants, etc. owned by Oligarchs – (Hotel Oligarch project)


we worked with
Utcáról Lakásba Egyesület


Do you have a question? Write to us!
